
Finished job scrapping app.

Link to repo:

Link to live project:

Started a git tutorial. Made a slideshow on Github

Started learning how to create json files using Python scripts. This is for a future DB project

Finished Python/JSON tutorial. Started working on backend of future app.

Continued to work on script to create JSON files. Temp roadblock and appending to a pre-existing JSON file.

Made some final touches with JSON script. Will start creating files soon.

Started Learn JS The Hardway to start brushing up on JS for my watch db app

Continued in LJSTHW. Finished ex04-ex08

Worked on LJTHW ex11-12

Ex16-18 of LJSTHW. 60% done with book

Started learning Tkinter on Python by following a tutorial from Real Python.

Link to repo:

No link to live code.

Created bash script to scan host network for all connected devices. Created python script to create a web socket. Created python script to scan a host a user selected range of ports

Created postgres DB for an interview. Created python script to create tables. Created python script to insert data from an array of JSONs.

Continued in LJSTHW

Continued with LJSTHW and built a game using Node

Cont LJSTHW. Learned about callback functions and OOP in JS as well as ES6 style

Started working on portfolio site using node, sass, and bootstrap

Learned about functional programming in Node

Continued tutorial from Real Python. Learned about Frames

Link to repo:

No link to live code.

Continued tutorial from Real Python. Learned about manipulating Frames using pack().

Link to repo:

50% through tutorial

Continued tutorial from Real Python. Learned about manipulating Frames using grid().

Link to repo:

~60% through tutorial

Continued tutorial from Real Python. Continued learning about using grid().

Link to repo:

~60% through tutorial

Continued tutorial from Real Python. Finished learning about using grid().

Link to repo:

~75% through tutorial

(adding this line since both days were counted as 1)

Took a break from tutorial and worked on an old project. Fixed it up to follow PEP8 guide.

Continued tutorial from Real Python. Made a sample address form GUI.

Link to repo:

~80% through tutorial

Tried to refactor web scrapper due to change in

It seems now site is dynamic, not static, so further studying is required.

Ex13-15 of LJSTHW